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Rape Crisis Hotline:
The National Deaf Hotline strives to make sure there is access for survivors, friends and family members to reach out anytime by providing services that run 24 hours and 7 days a week. The services are to support survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault within the Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard-of-Hearing community. Phone number: 855-812-1001 Email:
We are regularly on the web researching useful sites, current news, and stories about victims and survivors of Domestic Violence.
When we find a great site we will share it here. Do you have a site or story you would like to share? Please contact to share!
What is Upscale Violence? Upscale violence, a term coined by Dr. Susan Weitzman, is applied to women who have endured are enduring multiple or continued episodes of emotional ...
Relationship Violence: The Secret That Kills 4 Women a Day He "threatened me, "strangled me with a PlayStation cord," "lunged at me with a pocketknife." A horror movie? No, real life for far too many young women...
Dr. Walker's Cycle of Violence The theory of the cycle of violence was developed by Dr. Lenore Walker. It has three distinct phases which are generally present in a violent relationship...
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